Commission Prices

  • All commisions require a 50% deposit on agreed upon price. Artwork will be started once the deposit is received. A sketch will be provided before moving onto linework for design.

  • Personal Commissions (digital)

    Personal digital art commissions start at $40 for simple black linework and increases in price based on complexity. Higher priced commissions can be negotiated depending on the design and time spent on artwork. Commissions include two revisions and high-quality images.

  • Commerical Commissions (digital)

    Digital art commissions for commercial use start at $80 for simple black linework and increases in price based on complexity. Commissions include three revisions and high-quality images. Once final design is agreed upon, no changes may be made to the artwork, and credit for artwork in any promotion must be given.

  • Art Commissions (physical)

    Physical art commission pricing varies depending on project. Please feel free to email with what you are looking to get, and pricing can be negotiated.